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Agile Business Intelligence and Analytics

Agile Business Intelligence and Analytics

A lot of business users complain about reporting and analytics because they took a lot of time to develop with the ITT in. 

Research has discovered that traditional business intelligence is not able to provide quick reporting solutions to Industries in today’s competitive world.

Organizations are spending a lot of resources on modeling data and it appears that models have involved the approach changes. A huge undertaking to do it again in the problem is too big to find a solution.

The difficulty of distributing business intelligence applications to managers and executives means that they are not able to make the right decisions. 

As such, it is essential that another development approach is necessary. It is a wide and growing opinion that the need for agile BI is here.

Agile Analytics, also referred to as agile business intelligence, is the term used to describe methods software developers use in analytical processes in business intelligence to establish flexibility, adopt new business demands, and improved functionality in terms of business intelligence and analytics projects.

Agile BI is a recurring process that requires continuous development of online data visualization, dashboards, reports, and new functionality to keep current processes optimized while also developing new ones. 

By adopting agile development, business intelligence projects are broken down into smaller projects. The goal is set for small businesses large businesses alike to help companies adapt to business goals and constantly changing market conditions.

Today’s business landscape demands self-service BI applications that provide information in real-time.

Benefits of Agile BI

Agile methods grew from real-life experience. It is becoming more successful when applied to BI analytics and reporting. 

It offers many benefits, which is why it has become more popular in recent years.

Project Transparency

Keeping business users involved with the project team ensures they understand the workings of the development process. 

As such, they typically take more ownership of the solution. Sponsors can get a realistic idea of where the project stands, allowing them to quickly address issues, challenges, and risks.

Easy to Deliver

With agile BI, it’s possible to deliver products within a shorter amount of time, with different iterations. 

Each iteration is made of independent software deployed for production. Agile BI focus on project separation. 

The business defined scope and value drives the agile BI. The project timelines are tracked in smaller units, and customers pay for a specific amount of time.

High Return on Investment

Organizations that use agile BI get a higher return on investment  (ROI) because of the shorter development cycles. 

Agile BI doesn’t take as many IT resources and allows companies to spend less time delivering results to customers. 

Customers and other uses are satisfied because there is continuous delivery of usable software.

Sharing and Collaboration

Agile BI includes sharing collaboration that helps the development team and business users. 

There is the chance to train business users with BI tools during the project. As more interaction occurs, they can build skills in the tools to use them to their highest possible advantage.

Decision-Making Resources

Adding agile BI tools is a powerful way to support your current decision-making resources. 

Using the arm resources at the initial level isn’t high but it also comes with low maintenance costs. 

They provide maximum value because they help users find important information to support their decision.

Keys to Success with Agile BI and Analytics

Agile Leadership

If you want your agile business intelligence project to be a success, you must have a talented scrum Master. 

The scrum Master is the one who manages the project scope and ensures that there is enough time available to prioritize tasks and avoid scope creep.

Skilled and Trained Staff

One of the largest factors for the completion of agile BI projects is the involvement of a cohesive, trained project team that works collaboratively. 

Daily collaboration helps the team to address a mix of personalities and skills to be addressed early in the process.

Business Trust

It is hard to gain business trust, but if we can gain their trust, then any business users can easily work with the company. 

On the business side, it is crucial to have someone with Professional Knowledge and authority to help navigate any daily challenges that come up on any of the BI projects. 

The business Caesar has to be able to perform roles and responsibilities for reporting power users and to undergo the necessary training at the completion of the project.

Problems with the Traditional Waterfall Approach

The waterfall method has been used for many years in the system for the development of life cycle to create a network. 

The system is referred to as a waterfall because each step depends on the others in a downward approach. 

Each model is divided into different phases and every end step becomes the beginning of the next phase. 

Every event must be accomplished before the next one can begin and there is no coinciding with the phases.

That leads to a number of problems, such as:

  • The model not accommodating changes
  • Necessary to complete steps before moving forward
  • The downgrading of the system audit at the last phase of development
  • Difficulty justifying required costs in resources

What’s Necessary for Agile BI and Analytics Development?

As you can see, agile BI development is clearly a successful approach to project development, compared to traditional BI. 

Let’s take a closer look at what steps you need to take for agile BI development.

Chooses the Right BI Software

Agile BI helps in choosing the right tool or software for specific projects. 

With a traditional approach, iterations take longer if your devices are difficult to use, don’t work together with other systems and data sources, or are cumbersome. Modern agile BI overcomes all of these issues.

Get Business Users Involved

Involving business users is difficult at every stage of development in a project but agile business intelligence makes it possible. 

In agile, both business users and product owners experienced team progress at regular intervals throughout the entire process. Increased business user input means better overall business about you. 

Generally, you have to collaborate with business users to update the solution based on their feedback and they want to be part of the project. 

When working with business users, remember that they have to be flexible and you need to value them. With that approach, you can save time and still deliver quality products.

Changes in the Process

Any change in requirements in the middle of a project is a major issue for the business intelligence team. 

If they are not in development as per the requirement, there is a competitive advantage. 

Introducing agile bi makes it possible to update the requirements at any level of BI product development, keeping things flexible for everyone involved.


automation plays a significant role in making the agile BI method successful. 

Building automation helps in three production environments where you have to build a version of your system that works perfectly. 

Agile analytical tools help teams automate any processes that have to be performed more than once.

Quality Production

With agile development, IT teams can deliver quality products to businesses. Testing is necessary to deliver a quality product, and when business users or customers are satisfied with the product, it is a good thing. 

Each facility will have to be tested in a timely manner and debugged to ensure the product is of high quality and ready to be delivered when the final product is ready.

Support for Collaboration

Agile BI implementation in a project helps business users share information and their understanding of that information with team members to successfully deliver the project. 

Collaborating daily with a technical team is important as well as collaborating throughout the entire project Community to become successful. 

In the past, it was quite complicated to collaborate because the development team had to keep deadlines, quality, and budget in mind.

Stages of Agile Software Development Methodology

With the agile approach, developers are more focused on technology and data than on answering important questions. 

Though you may find different versions of the stages, the underlying methodology and agile framework is the same.


In the concept stage, you start to develop a loose BI vision. The process begins with light documentation. 

Here, you explain the initial architecture, consider the practical parts of delivering the project, and identify the prioritization between them. 

Details are taken into consideration later so it is crucial to focus on the concept and develop from there.


In this stage, you begin implementing active stakeholder participation. Here is where you:

  • Identify key business requirements and needs including understanding the business questions that need to be answered through the bi system
  • Discover the available data sources
  • Train the project stakeholders in the fundamentals of agile
  • Determine bi funding and support
  • Understand the expected information delivery methods including dashboards, reports, ad hoc reporting and more
  • Prioritize key business requirements and needs with time and budget constraints in mind.It may help to Prioritize by writing user stories for each business question identified and then use a frequency versus difficulty quadrant to determine the most important ones.
  • Research and vet the online business intelligence software you will use.


In the construction phase, you deliver a working system that meets the evolving needs of stakeholders. You cycle through this stage to stage four at set increments, usually one to three weeks long. 

After stages three and four done, you moved to production. 

However, before production can begin, you have to develop the documentation, test drive your design, collaboratively develop reports, keep stakeholders actively involved, test the BI in a small group, and deploy software internally.

Release (Transition)

At this stage, you release your previous construction iteration into production. Then, return to the iterative phase and go back to transition again to release those changes to production. 

At this point, you continue to involve key stakeholders, finalize documentation where it is necessary, finalize testing, release the working software pilot to a small subgroup, train your end users and production staff and then deploy it into production.


Once you reach production, you’ve reached the final stage. Production is where you operate and support everything that has come out of the construction and transition stages and introduction. 

At this point, you operate and support systems, reports, and dashboards. You identify enhancements and defects. When you make any of these changes, you must start at the construction stage and work them into production.

Though it may sound overwhelming, agile analytics and braces change, viewing it as not an obstacle that the competitive advantage. 

This approach results in a more flexible and effective BI solution that is designed to continuously evolve for success.

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